Quality since 1922

Tested child safety

Protection from the start!

Finde mit nur zwei Fragen heraus, welches unserer Gitter für Dich geeignet ist
Produktberater starten
Question 1
Please select the passage width (door frame to door frame / wall to stair post)
65 to 75 cm 65 to 75 cm
65 to 75 cm 65 to 75 cm
75 to 85 cm 75 to 85 cm
75 to 85 cm 75 to 85 cm
85 to 95 cm 85 to 95 cm
85 to 95 cm 85 to 95 cm
95 to 105 cm 95 to 105 cm
95 to 105 cm 95 to 105 cm
Question 2
Do you want to clamp or screw your gate?
Clamp Clamp
Clamp Clamp
Screw Screw
Screw Screw
Both Both
Both Both
Basierend auf Deinen Antworten ist eines der folgenden Gitter genau richtig für Dich. Falls Du weitere Fragen hast, wende Dich gerne an unseren Kundenservice.
Leider haben wir keine passenden Produkte gefunden, wende Dich gerne an unseren Kundenservice.
Show product overview

Have you got skirting boards where you want to attach the gate? Then you'll probably need a WallFlex

Sometimes, professionally mounting safety gates is not as straightforward as it may seem – even carpet skirting can quickly become a challenge. With the reer WallFlex baseboard set, you can solve this problem quickly and easily. It compensates for differing distances to the wall, thus ensuring the ideal surface area for mounting. The WallFlex set is compatible with all reer safety gates and a wide range of child safety gates from other manufacturers.

Do you have round newel posts or lattice struts? Then you'll probably need a StairFlex

Sometimes, professionally attaching stair gates to banisters is not as straightforward as you might think – because, for example, rounded newel posts or gaps between 2 lattice struts could mean there is no suitable surface to tension or screw the gate into. But here, in particular, it is very important to carry out a proper installation. The reer StairFlex banister attachment set quickly and easily solves this installation problem. Simply affix to the desired location and the long wooden part becomes the perfect surface to attach to. The StairFlex set is compatible with all reer safety gates and a wide range of child safety gates from other manufacturers.

Do you have further questions?

Do you need help with finding your gate, want more information or need further support? Please don't hesitate to contact us!

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