Quality since 1922

Tested child safety

Protection from the start!

Social Responsibility

We believe we can make a difference in the world through our actions. Learn more about our social commitment here.

What does social responsibility mean to us?

"Children in particular need our protection and support. It takes effort from all parts of society to give them a good life. It makes us proud to say that we have improved the lives of children, from little things like high visibility waistcoats for kindergartens to our commitment to sponsor children all around the world." (Tim Lorenz, Managing Director)

Why do we take social responsibility?

"We believe that we can make the world a little safer with our products. But there are also problems that we cannot solve with our products. That's why we get involved with various institutions, in our immediate surroundings and wherever children and families need help." (Tobias Mörk, Managing Director)

Mission Child Welfare

The issue of donations is of great importance to us. Numerous organisations support children and babies in growing up, even in difficult situations. That is why we donate 100,000.00 € to various organisations with whom we want to make the world a better place for children.

Donation project of the month

Every month we focus on a project close to the hearts of our employees. This month: The SOS Children's Village

The SOS Children's Village

All over the world, children need help. Poverty, wars, violence and abuse hit children the hardest. The SOS Children's Villages help by giving abandoned children a loving home again and also strengthen poor families to prevent them from breaking apart. The aim is to give all children safety and security, to support them individually so that they become independent and responsible adults who positively influence their local environment. The projects support a total of more than one million children and adults worldwide.

At reer, we are committed to the welfare of children, which is why we support SOS Children's Villages. Their work provides children around the world with a safe and loving home, enabling them to grow into responsible adults. We are proud to support this important mission.
(Tim Lorenz)

Would you like to learn more about the heart projects and how reer donated 100,000 € to give children a better tomorrow?

Product donations to organisations

Time and again, opportunities arise to draw attention to issues such as health and accident prevention through fundraising campaigns. 
We support the Save the Children campaign (e.g. to support children in Ukraine), have already distributed night lights in the children's wards of hospitals in the region, supported "Helping instead of Hoarding Sindelfingen" and donated changing table heaters and other products to clinics in Ghana.
Most recently, we donated changing table radiant warmers, fever thermometers, teething rings and benches to children's hospitals in Ukraine through the "Aktion Tschernobyl Hilfe".
 With these campaigns, we hope not only to support people in difficult situations but also to draw attention to the excellent work that these individuals do for the benefit of children.

High-visibility waistcoats for daycare centres 

Together with our partner, the Federal Working Group "More Safety for Children", we make entire day-care groups more visible and equip the children with safety waistcoats. This way, the little ones are safely visible when the daycare group goes on an outing. This keeps the children safe and makes the job of the chaperones easier and less stressful. Now everyone can focus more on enjoying the outing!

Hospice Leonberg

Children's hospice services accompany children and young people when they themselves or their parents are affected by an incurable and life-shortening illness. They accompany the lives of these children and families until death and beyond. Rainer Mörk, partner and former managing director of our company, says about this work, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Leonberg Hospice Service, which we support:

"For decades, we as a Leonberg family business have been committed to the safety and well-being of children. That is why it is particularly close to our hearts to support the valuable work of the Leonberg outpatient children and youth hospice service. They accompany families in the most difficult times that one can only imagine as a parent. Thank you very much for your commitment!"

"Felix" children's ambulance

The Björn Steiger Foundation has been working for many decades to improve the rescue system. Not only do we have them to thank for the standardised emergency numbers 110 and 112, emergency call boxes on motorways and air rescue, but as early as the 1970s they developed "Felix", an emergency ambulance especially for the needs of premature babies.

Felix is now in its 5th generation of service at various locations in Germany. As the children's emergency ambulance is not anchored in the laws of the federal states for the rescue service, we support the acquisition and operation of the children's ambulances.

Sponsored children

We regularly sponsor children through the organisation plan.de.

Support for parents of triplets

A child is the greatest joy on earth and turns the everyday life of new parents upside down. When this joy comes into the world in triplets, any support is most welcome. We regularly support new parents of triplets with products that make the start of these young families easier.