Jobs at REER
In order to offer the little ones the greatest protection, we pursue the mission, "More safety for children". As a family business, we have been supporting families with young children in their daily challenges since 1922. You too can become part of our team.
Our current job openings
AZUBI GESUCHT: Kaufmann*frau für Groß- und Außenhandelsmanagement (m/w/d)
Ausbildungsbeginn: 1. September 2025
Ausbildungsdauer: 3 Jahre (verkürzt 2,5 Jahre)
Dein Profil:
• Guter Abschluss der mittleren Reife oder Fachhochschulreife
• Schnelle Auffassungsgabe
• Kontaktfreude und Teamfähigkeit
• Gute Englisch-Kenntnisse
• Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office
Unser Angebot:
Eine abwechslungsreiche und praxisnahe Ausbildung ist für uns selbstverständlich. Vom ersten Ausbildungstag an unterstützt Du unsere kaufmännischen Bereiche tatkräftig bei der Erledigung der anfallenden Aufgaben. Im Laufe Deiner Ausbildung machst Du Station in jeder unserer Abteilungen. Dabei kannst Du viele verschiedene Aufgabenbereiche kennenlernen und eigene Ideen einbringen.
Bei guter Integration in unser junges, engagiertes Team bestehen sehr gute Übernahmechancen.
Compliance Manager (m/w/d)
Zur Verstärkung unserer Compliance-Abteilung suchen wir einen
Compliance Manager (m/w/d)
Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das sich dem Schutz von Kindern verschrieben hat. Daher legen wir großen Wert auf die Qualität und Normenkonformität unserer Produkte. Im Rahmen einer Nachfolgeregelung suchen wir eine engagierte Person für die Position des Compliance Managers.
Dein Aufgabengebiet:
- Sicherstellung der Einhaltung aller relevanten gesetzlichen Vorschriften, um Risiken zu minimieren
- Ermittlung der rechtlichen Anforderungen für unsere neuen Produkte
- Überwachung von Schadstoffrichtlinien, Normen und dem Rückrufmanagement
- Sicherstellung und Pflege unserer Zertifizierungen
- Zusammenarbeit mit Prüfinstituten, Rechtsanwälten, Sachverständigen und weiteren Compliance-Partnern
- Pflege und Verwaltung der Produktdokumentation
- Beobachtung und Analyse des Marktes
- Vertretung der verantwortlichen Person nach MDR (Medical Device Regulation)
Das solltest du mitbringen:
- Expertise in europäischen regulatorischen Vorgaben (CE, RoHS, REACH etc.) und umfassendes Wissen im Bereich Product Compliance
- Mehrjährige Erfahrung in Produktsicherheit und den relevanten Richtlinien
- Idealerweise Erfahrung im Qualitätsmanagement
- Fachliches Know-how in der Konzeption und Umsetzung von (Produkt-)Konformität und Compliance-Maßnahmen
- Flexibilität und Schnittstellenkompetenz
- Selbstständige, zuverlässige und strukturierte Arbeitsweise sowie sehr gute Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten
Das bieten wir:
- Einen sicheren, unbefristeten Arbeitsplatz in einem Familienunternehmen
- 30 Tage Urlaub
- Gute Erreichbarkeit (10 Minuten zu Fuß zur S-Bahn) sowie ausreichend Parkmöglichkeiten
- Ein international ausgerichtetes Familienunternehmen mit Startup-Flair
- Kurze Kommunikations- und Entscheidungswege, Duz-Kultur, offene Türen
- Mitwirkung an unserer Mission, die Welt kindersicherer zu machen
- Ein tolles Team und gemeinsame Aktivitäten wie Sommerfest, Betriebsausflug und vieles mehr...
- Einen Obstkorb ;)
Du bist interessiert? Bitte sende Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen inklusive Gehaltsvorstellung an karriere@reer.de.
Customer Service Operator (m/w/d)
To strengthen our sales team we are looking for someone with...
Customer Service Operator (m/w/d)
Your Responsibilities:
- As a customer service operator, you are in charge of answering the questions of our B2C and B2B customers by phone and email as well as processing any orders or return complaints.
- Your task also includes answering customer inquiries and providing them with detailed product information.
- You work closely with the other departments of the company to together ensure effective customer communication and feedback and continuous improvement
- In the area of E-commerce (B2C webshops, Marketplaces, and Drop-shipping) you are responsible for sales support and processing
- You take over the responsibility of reporting sales information to sales management
- What skills should you have:
- You have completed a commercial apprenticeship and have multiple years of experience in customer service work
- Strong German and English skills
- You must be comfortable with using MS Office
- You must have excellent communication skills as well as a good sense of direction with customers, quality and service
- You must enjoy working with a team of people for a common goal
What we offer:
- A permanent and safe working space that offers a great deal of personal autonomy
- Goal-based training in your tasks
- 30 days of vacation per year
- Options for working from home
- Employee discount for our entire product range
- A space in an international family business with short-range communication channels, so decisions can be made personally and quickly
- A familiar and open working environment with a motivated team working towards a common goal
- Community activities such as Summerfest, company-wide outings and much more
- Meaningful work within exciting an market, creating products that make a difference in the lives of real people
Are you interested?
Please send us application documents including an expected salary at (karriere@reer.de).
Internship or thesis at reer
Would you like to get a taste of office life, get to know our team and find out more about the profession of wholesale and foreign trade management trainee? We offer internships by arrangement, for example for BOGY and BORS.
Or are you looking for a place for your compulsory internship as part of your studies - possibly also for your final thesis? We are a family-run, medium-sized company with a young team that is eager for your ideas and impulses, supports you in your work and provides you with practical knowledge in the areas of product management, marketing online and offline, corporate communications and/or sales.
If you are interested, simply write an email with
- a short introduction of yourself
- what kind of internship you are looking for
- the desired dates for the internship
- for student internships and theses also the desired focus or first ideas

The inventions from reer, such as the baby food warmer, the baby monitor, or the changing table radiant warmer, have become an indispensable part of the baby household. The reer brand offers a diverse range of products that make the often stressful everyday life easier for parents. The trust of generations of parents has made us the market leader in the field of safety products for infants in Germany.


From the trainees Robin and Amelie to the managing directors Tobias and Tim, we place great value on being on an equal footing with each other, treat each other with respect and support each other in our ideas, tasks and projects. This is also expressed in the fact that we will also be on familiar terms with you from your first day on.


From the joint lunch break in the countryside to the inevitable foosball games, from joint further training on security topics to Christmas parties, company outings and joint sports activities, we have many opportunities to get to know our colleagues beyond their desks.


The industrial estate "Im Glemsbogen" is located at the foot of the picturesque old town of Leonberg and yet quite in the countryside, with a stream, sun terrace and pasture view directly from the reer site. Nevertheless, it is only a 10-minute walk to the train to and from Stuttgart. The reer site is also close to motorways 8 and 81 and has ample parking facilities.