Baby Care

Hygiene for your baby - frequently asked questions
Maintaining proper hygiene is challenging for many parents, especially with their firstborn. Answers to frequently asked questions should help to reduce this stress and confusion when going about this process. It is important to remember that body care is not only for cleaning but also provides space for your child to feel safe and build trust. To achieve this, it is important to adapt the hygiene routine to fit the needs of your little darling as best as possible.
What is important to consider when caring for your baby's hygeine?
A baby's skin has natural protection made of sweat, fat and other substances. This protects your child from pathogens that cause illness. To maintain this protective function, it is helpful to avoid using chemicals in the daily care of your baby's body.
It is sufficient to bathe the baby once or twice a week. On other days, washing with just a washcloth is sufficient.
When washing, work from top to bottom, with the intimate area last. For the eyes, wipe from the outside in. In boys, the foreskin is still very tight and should not be pushed back during personal hygiene. To protect the vagina and urethra from intestinal germs, it is important for girls to always wipe from the vagina to the bottom.
Warm water without additives is sufficient for daily washing or bathing. If you want to add something to the water, bath oils without preservatives or fragrances are suitable. Plant oils, as used in the kitchen, are also suitable as a bath additive for body care. When washing your hair, plain water is also sufficient. Only when the hair becomes thicker and longer is a shampoo needed.
The ideal bath water for a baby is 37°C and the ambient temperature for body care should be around 22°C or more. You can warm bath towels in advance, for example on the heater. This way, the baby is not only warm during the bath but also before and after.
After bathing, it is important to dry the baby thoroughly. Any earwax that may escape can be wiped out with a small cloth. It is not advised to use cotton swabs when washing babies, as they can damage the eardrum.
Once your baby gets the first tooth daily dental care is also important.
It is sufficient to bathe the baby once or twice a week. On other days, washing with just a washcloth is sufficient.
When washing, work from top to bottom, with the intimate area last. For the eyes, wipe from the outside in. In boys, the foreskin is still very tight and should not be pushed back during personal hygiene. To protect the vagina and urethra from intestinal germs, it is important for girls to always wipe from the vagina to the bottom.
Warm water without additives is sufficient for daily washing or bathing. If you want to add something to the water, bath oils without preservatives or fragrances are suitable. Plant oils, as used in the kitchen, are also suitable as a bath additive for body care. When washing your hair, plain water is also sufficient. Only when the hair becomes thicker and longer is a shampoo needed.
The ideal bath water for a baby is 37°C and the ambient temperature for body care should be around 22°C or more. You can warm bath towels in advance, for example on the heater. This way, the baby is not only warm during the bath but also before and after.
After bathing, it is important to dry the baby thoroughly. Any earwax that may escape can be wiped out with a small cloth. It is not advised to use cotton swabs when washing babies, as they can damage the eardrum.
Once your baby gets the first tooth daily dental care is also important.
What do I need for baby personal hygiene?
Basic equipment:
As soon as the first tooth comes in:
- a soft hairbrush or a comb
- nail scissors
- nail clippers
- nail file
- a soft sponge or washcloth
- bath towel
- a radiant warmer
As soon as the first tooth comes in:
- Baby toothbrush
- Baby toothpaste with fluoride
Which hairbrush is suitable for baby body care?
Babies can be born bald, with a little hair fuzz or a full head of hair. A hairbrush for babies is recommended in any case. Even if it is not yet needed for brushing the hair, your baby will benefit from the massage effect of the hairbrush on the scalp. The bristles are the most important factor when choosing a hairbrush. Since the first hairs and the scalp are still sensitive, the bristles should be soft and supple. Animal hair, such as those from goats, is often used for this purpose.
Why does my hairbrush smell like goat?
Since producing a high-quality hairbrush for babies requires using as few chemicals as possible, it retains the typical smell. This may increase with moisture, but it is only a sign of the product's authenticity and is not harmful to the baby.
What should I look for in nail scissors for babies?
Important features of baby nail scissors:
- a rounded tip
- short cutting blades
- curved scissor blades
- Rustproof material
- large holes for mom or dad hands
Why do I need special nail scissors for baby body care?
Since babies cannot yet control their movements to a sufficient degree, adult nail scissors pose a significant risk of injury. Jerky movements could cause injuries when using standard nail scissors, so this is prevented with the rounded tip of baby nail scissors. In addition, adult nail scissors are significantly sharper and the blade is longer.
Should I use nail clippers or scissors for my baby?
Whether you choose to use nail scissors or nail clippers for your baby's body care is a matter of personal preference. Baby nail clippers, like scissors, are rounded at the end to minimize the risk of injury and are particularly suitable for toenails.